i3 wm notifications

It includes the window manager i3-wm, i3status which writes a status line to i3bar through stdout, and i3lock, a screen locker. ... When starting a script or application which does not support startup notifications, the mouse cursor will remain in busy/wa

相關軟體 Window Manager 下載

WindowManager is handy little system tweaking tool that can improve your workflow. It works by remembering and then restoring the position and size of your apps and windows. There are lots of a...

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  • i3 is a dynamic tiling window manager with clean, readable and documented code, featuring ...
    i3 - Official Site
  • i3 User’s Guide Michael Stapelberg <michael@i3wm.org> March 2013 Table of Contents T...
    i3 User’s Guide - i3 - improved tiling wm
  • Hacking i3: How To Michael Stapelberg <michael@i3wm.org> February 2013 This document...
    i3: Hacking i3: How To
  • i3-config - i3 wm configuration files Skip to content Features Business Explore Pricing Th...
    GitHub - ivyl/i3-config: i3 wm configuration files
  • j4tools A set of tools to use with i3 These tools are mainly designed for the i3 window ma...
    j4tools — Extend your i3
  • The i3 FAQ has migrated to https://www.reddit.com/r/i3wm/. All content here is read-only. ...
    Email notification in i3 - i3 FAQ
  • It includes the window manager i3-wm, i3status which writes a status line to i3bar through...
    i3 - ArchWiki - Arch Linux
  • I asked a friend also using i3 and Pidgin, and apparently he never even got to see that. I...
    Pidgin and notifications - i3 FAQ
  • README.md i3-wm-config by rgoomar for v4.3 This is my configuration for the i3 window mana...
    GitHub - rgoomar/i3-wm-config: This is my configuration for the i3 window manager.
  • i3-ipc (requires i3-wm) i3-match-git (requires i3-wm) (make) i3bar-icons (requires i3-wm) ...
    AUR (en) - i3-wm-iconpatch - Arch Linux
  • How can I get that in i3? ... 3081 ○13 ○28 ○50 http://i3wm.org/ ... If using a different d...
    What's a good notification daemon for i3? - i3 FAQ
  • 2014年11月10日 - I was reinstalling i3wm, after playing around with other tiling WMs, throug...
    Which notification-tool is i3 using by default? - i3 FAQ
  • 2013年8月19日 - In i3 I do not get those notifications, where as other desktops like KDE, GN...
    Is there a concept for desktop notifications with i3 - i3 FAQ
  • Is there a lightweight alternative to mail-notification for i3? edit: A notification in fo...
    mail-notification for a plain i3 desktop - i3 FAQ
  • I was browsing arch-wiki page on desktop notifications and it seems like we really only fe...
    What notification daemon do you use? : i3wm - Reddit
  • I've put up a simple script to show GitHub notifications in my i3bar, I find it quite ...
    GitHub notifications in i3bar : i3wm - Reddit
  • Official FAQ subreddit for the i3 window manager and its popular fork i3-gaps. .... I reme...
    How do I theme these notification popups? : i3wm - Reddit
  • previously blue notifications would show up in the top right corner like when i changed th...
    Notifications in i3wm? : i3wm - Reddit
  • Hey guys, I've installed i3 on a few different ubuntu systems,and every time the notif...
    How do I make notifications readable again? : i3wm - Reddit
  • 2017年8月17日 - Desktop notifications are small, passive popup dialogs that notify the user ...
    Desktop notifications - ArchWiki